Saturday, March 29, 2008

Talitha's first ride

Talitha, Zebadiah, Azariah and Tirzah
Azariah and Tirzah wanted to go for a bike ride after dinner, so we loaded up and went for a ride. Gil pulled Talitha and Zebadiah behind his bike in the bike trailer. Talitha cried at first and then fell asleep. It was pretty fun. Today they went for another one without Talitha and I. Azariah went down a hill that was a little steep. Gil didn't see it, but goes to check on them and sees Azariah with a bloody face and pushing his bike up the little hill that was pretty steep. He didn't cry and was ready to keep biking. It was funny to have him tell me about it. He said "The hill was about this long" as he held his hands apart about two feet. He is getting to be a good biker.

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