Sunday, May 20, 2007

Two Children, Two Goats and One Bucket...

We arrived home from church to get ready for a get together. I sent the older two children out to fill up the goats water. Azariah wanted to go help daddy, but I informed him that he needed to help his sister and as soon as they were done he could go help daddy. This job for one child would probably take about 5 minutes, but with two it was a twenty minute comedy routine.

I looked out the window and saw that the bucket was not upright like it had been when they first ventured out. Tirzah held the hose but since the bucket was sideways no water was going in it. So Azariah decides to climb the fence right there, but that was a bad idea because it is only a wire fence and not real stable with a person climbing on it. He showed some thought and figured that out, so he then travelled to the other side of the pen and tried the fence on that side (right next to the gate). He had the same problem. By this time his sister had stuck her hand through the fence and put it upright. She was now filling up the bucket. Azariah did not notice so he decided to go through the gate. I was watching in case the two goats escaped (they didn't). Eventually Azariah went back to where Tirzah was on the same side of the fence and then the fun began.

Tirzah took a drink of the water (ditch water that is). Then doused her brother with it. After getting 'Riah wet she then decided her feet needed washed so she picks up her foot and washes it, not realizing that she was going to put her foot back in the dirt and this water would make her foot dirty once again. Azariah was not happy at being wet and tried to turn the water off. Some how the water bucket, I think due to the fence hitting it, was on it's side again. Tirzah was able to set it up right and did the same thing a second time, take a drink, wash off her feet and fill the pail. Finally the water bucket was at least partially full. I am not sure if it had anymore water in it when they finished then when they first went out but it sure was fun to watch.

My Father and Grandpa (Grandpa decided to sit in a chair instead of the ground...)

We also had the privilege of playing Crochet with the grandparents. Grandma Peg at 83 was comical to watch.

Grandma Peg palying Crochet...

When she wasn't hitting the ball more than once on her turn, she was pointing out someone else that would. And she also enjoyed hitting the wickes more than her ball. It was an enjoyable time. Grandpa, my grandfather, almost needed the backhoe to get up after he ate his hamburger on the ground, but he made it O.K. He did have this weird reaction to the Homemade Goat Milk Ice Cream that I made. It seemed that after he ate it, he started bleating like a goat. So did my Uncle Wylie, but then again they are my dad's relatives.

Grandpa at the game of Crochet...

A Family Get Together

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