Thursday, April 26, 2007

Mud, Keys and Flowers...

Zebadiah, loves going outside. He will go out every chance he has and find any water that he can. So this morning when I let him out to roam, he found the mud puddle in the driveway. You know how a suction can be created and your shoes suck off your feet. Well, I was watching him and he looked stuck in the mud. Later I went out and sure enough his shoe was stuck in the mud puddle. He had also tried the delicacy of mud. Tirzah and Azariah joined in the fun as well. The little mud puddle wasn't good enough, so they took their little hoes and rakes that Gramgee bought them and made their own ditches and filled them up with water. They were soaked and muddy. Tirzah put on her swim suit, but later when I checked on Azariah he was naked from the waist down. I did laundry today, and after the mud baths I have about as much laundry now as I did before I did the laundry.

This afternoon the Lord was so gracious and allowed me to find my car keys. I figured they were in the garage, but if you could see all the stuff in the garage you would understand why it would be hard to find them. Once I found them I came in and Tirzah, Azariah and I prayed and thanked God for allowing us to find them. What a gracious God we serve.

After we put the goats in this evening, I wanted Tirzah to find the other hoe and rake. She found them at the far end of our little goat field. While she was their she yelled at me and said something I couldn't understand. Then she yelled again, I couldn't understand her and then a final time, which I couldn't understand either. When she arrived back at the garage she had the rake, hoe and a handful of flowers.

"Mommy, I found the tools, I saw some ducks and look at these pretty flowers. They smell really good. Smell them mommy."

These are the flowers she picked. I am so grateful to the Lord that she looks and admires the Lord's creation. May we all stop and smell the flowers.


Samuel Crank said...

Ok, so what kind of detergent do you use that is going to get alllll that mud out of Zeb's clothes?:)

Taneil said...

I use Bio-Kleen detergent. It works pretty good.