Sunday, February 22, 2009

Toilet Paper

In marriage there are many thing that you have to figure out how to deal with when it concerns your spouse. In 8 1/2 years of marriage this is the first time this came up.

Gil: "Why do you put the toilet paper roll so it rolls towards the wall?"
Taneil: "Studies say that people use less toilet paper that way."
Gil: "Well, in the middle of the night I can't find the end of the roll."
Taneil:" Can't you just run your hand on the wall and find the end?"
Gil: "Not when it's dark and i'm tired and i don't feel good."
Taneil: "I just figured with as much toilet paper as we go through it would be best for it to go that way, can't you just roll it back and find the end?"
Gil: "Not when it is dark and I don't feel well. Then I use more because I can't find the four squares I need to wipe or the two squares I need to blow my nose."
Taneil: (Amidst great laughter,with tears streaming down my face) "I am sorry I had no idea."
Gil: "If you are laughing that hard, you better blog it."

I had not idea how precise my husband was with the use of the toilet paper.

1 comment:

bjk said...

And I had no idea people quantified the use toilet paper! Some people just have too much time on their hands!
(BTW - I'm w/ Gil on this one...easier to get at makes it easier to use, and that is worth a lot!)