Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Mommy, mommy I know...

I go over to my parents house and feed their animals. I come back and Azariah is naked and Tirzah has no shorts on. (She had accidentally overshot the toilet and got her pants wet.) The bathroom floor is wet and when asked why, I am informed that Tirzah told Azariah he didn't wipe very well and so he washed his bottom in the sink. Then Tirzah says...

"Mommy, we know why it sometimes hurts when we go poopy."
"Oh really..."
"Yea, it is because our hole is so small."

What do you say to the scientific thoughts of a five year old? That was also the first thing they told Daddy when he got home from work. We both had to try not to laugh.

Then later, during family worship time, Azariah says "I have to go potty." So he heads for the bathroom while Gil asks him a question. Azariah stops to answer, but was doing the potty dance in the process. Gil says "You can answer while you are going potty" At this point I had to laugh, because this was coming from the man who can not multi-task and he is asking his three-year-old son to multi-task. Azariah is a lot like his daddy in this respect. Azariah did get the question answered and to the potty on time.

What fun, what fun.

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