Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Do You Have A Parrot at your House?

Do you have a parrot at your house? Or maybe a better name would be a half-sized mother.
Mom: "Azariah go get your pajamas on."
1/2 Mom: "Azariah go get your pajamas on."

Mom: "Zebadiah, don't get on the table."
1/2 Mom: "Zeb, don't get on the table." (followed with a pull of his arm, then he screams.)

Mom: "Don't get all muddy."
1/2 Mom: "'Riah you are getting all muddy you need to get out of there."

And so it goes all day. My five year old feels like she is there to back up EVERYTHING I say. Well, at least I know she will be a good mom someday, though I hope she doesn't imitate everything that I say and do. May the Lord be gracious to me as I raise my children.

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