Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Try and Bite Me...

Tonight as my perfect children, Tirzah and Azariah, are suppose to be laying down like good little children and trying there hardest to go to sleep. They start fighting. I am talking with my dad so Gil goes into to investigate.

"Tirzah did you hit Azariah?"
"Yes, but..."
Gil talks to Tirzah about how we aren't suppose to hit.
"Azariah what did you do?"
He wouldn't say anything
"He tried to grab me." Tirzah says
"Azariah, what did you do to Tirzah?" No response. "You need to talk to me or you will be disciplined."
Azariah starts mumbling something about Tirzah trying to get him.
Tirzah starts crying "Daddy I want to tell you what happened..."
"Tirzah, why did Azariah try and grab you?"
"He told me to try and bite him."
"So did you try and bite him Tirzah?"
"So, he tried to grab you to keep you from biting him?"
"And then you hit him?"
"Tirzah that was a really bad idea."

The joy of children...

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