Monday, June 15, 2009


Well, I figure that since no one likes Monday's anyway why not make it cleaning and laundry day? My son, Azariah, many times wakes up on Monday and says "I hate Monday's..." with a whine... because he knows that he will have to work.

So Tirzah and Azariah have one of two chores each Monday. One of them sorts their laundry and cleans the bathroom and the other cleans their room and vacuums the house. I am not sure why I make them sort the laundry because to be honest I don't really wash darks and lights separetaly unless it is a new red shirt or something I think will bleed. So they don't know this but I just make them do it because I have always been told "You need to sort the laundry." So they have to do it because it is suppose to be sorted.

Well today it was Azariah's turn. I also make them turn clothes right side out. He had the two piles but they were not really sorted. Although I must say all the PJ's were in one and all the jeans in the other. It was the shirts that were all mixed up in both. He did it without complaning so I was happy. I started filling the wash machine with the clothes and I feel dirt hitting my sandled feet. Just about every pair of jeans I picked up had a ton of dirt in the pockets. So I dumped all the dirt out on the floor and then swept it up. I am glad my children enjoy playing out doors, but I could have filled a sandbox with all the dirt I emptied from their pockets. The bottom of the their laundry basket was also full of dirt.

I love my children.

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