Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Bumps, bruises and black eyes...

Last Monday Azariah was playing on the trampoline with some friends. He tripped over the friend and hit his eye on the metal edge of the tramp and this was the result. I was thankful that it happened last Monday since we have family pictures this Saturday.

Azariah's Black Eye

Later that day Tirzah was coming in side and pulled the door shut on her finger and mangled it pretty good.
Tirzah's finger

Then on Monday Caleb Lotze, our 27 year old nephew got back at us. Twenty-one years ago, Gil went to Washington to see his sister's family. They were on a hike and Gil dropped his five month old niece. It was an accident and she was fine.

Well yesterday, Caleb and Isaac, our nephews ages 27 and 25, took the four older children on a four wheeler ride. As they were coming back from the ride they had to go up a steep incline. Tirzah was on the front, then Zeb was first on the seat, Talitha was next followed by Caleb. Zeb popped the clutch and made the four wheeler jump forward. (Zeb was not the one driving he was just messing.) Talitha who had been half asleep the whole ride popped off the four wheeler and then her arm and leg her run over. She is fine, no broken bones or anything, just a little bruise on her face. Caleb was shaken up worse than Talitha I think. And now my daughter who seems to be the one to always have a bruise for pictures will have one for our pictures on Saturday. And Caleb got back at his uncle Gil for dropping his sister 21 years ago.

This is Talitha's bruise, not bad for being run over by a four wheeler.

1 comment:

bjk said...

The fun never ends!