Monday, September 17, 2007

The Hair Cut

Zebadiah is 18 months old now. Going to the store was fun, he could be in all blue and because of his long hair people would say "She is so cute." After going to Wal-Mart and having some cashiers play peek-a-boo with him because he was crying, they said "She is so cute." as we were leaving. That was it, the next day I cut his hair. I had been putting it off knowing that once I did he would no longer be my baby but a little man. So here are the before and after pictures.

Before the hair cut...

After the hair cut...

1 comment:

Mom B said...

He's too cute!!! Emily told me the Tirzah story about missing our library....if only it had been ME she missed! Your'e right, Tirza, we really do have a great library! Love you, Tirza, Azariah, and Zeb!

Did em tell you about Daryl's cancer? Visit his website at

Take it easy, there, Taniel! I read about the bike wreck. God was gracious!
Love to you all