Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Lots of Happenings

It has been a while since I lasted blogged. The summer has really kept me busy. I have made Jam for the first time in my life. Let's see, I have made Apricot, Peach and Raspberry/Cranberry freezer jams as well as Peach, Plum and Jalapeño cooked jams with a batch of Zucchini Marmalade worked in there also. The difference between the jams is that freezer jams you don't have to cook or process, you just put the jam in jars and into the freezer. Tirzah has been helping me with the jams.

Talitha turned 5 months on July 19th

Talitha at 5 months, chewing on the Table. Her two bottom teeth came in. She is a little doll.

I was also in charge of VBS at our church. The Lord was so gracious as He brought everything together in 4 weeks. We used one of the "Children Desiring God" curriculum's. It was based on the Kingdom Parables and was wonderful. The children loved the week and I was amazed at how the Lord worked through it. The children raised just under $1,000 for Africa and with the adults we raised $1,432 all together to help Orphans and Widows in a church that our church planted last year in Africa. What a great blessing to see the Lord provide through the kids. We encouraged them to work for the money and they did just that.

Then Mindy and George came to visit after they returned from Thailand. It was good to see them and the children enjoyed them. This was the first time they were able to see Talitha .

Azariah, Tirzah, Talitha, Mindy and Zebadiah

They were actually here the week that VBS was going on. It was good to hear about their trip and spend time with them again.

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