Well, my children have learned that when mommy goes to take a nap they need to not disturb me. I allowed them to watch the Jesus movie while I rested. Zebadiah was asleep and I had
Talitha with me. I went into my room at 2 PM and fed
Talitha while I read for about 30 minutes. Then I laid down with
Talitha and fell asleep.
I woke up about 3:30 to the sound of
Tirzah whacking Azariah on the head. He then cried. I fell back asleep half thinking he would be in my room at anytime. I then woke up at 4:00 to the sound of screeching. Thinking that I should be responsible and check on my children I get up with
Talitha. The older two are under Zebadiah's pack in play which has very low clearance and Zebadiah only has his shirt on. He has discarded his diaper and pants. Everyone was still alive so I was happy.
When I suggested to Zeb that we put a diaper on him he runs to the bathroom, stands on the stool and says potty. Nothing happens of course but he knows that is where he should go. So maybe it is time to potty train him...I just need to get motivated. About 30 minutes later, Zeb informs me his blanket is wet...first assumption is that it is potty so I do a quick load of washing with the beloved blanket so he can sleep with it tonight. It is then chore time so I put Zeb's pants (no diaper) and
crocs on him so he can go outside with me. I happily feed all the animals and am getting ready to milk Spice when Zeb starts freaking out in the barn. He is crying and crying saying "wet, wet, wet". Sure enough one of his
crocs is wet...can we guess what from? You guessed it, he went potty. I still don't think he made the connection, but perhaps I will be motivated to potty train him pretty soon.