( To add a little extra info from Aunt Megan, She was on her way to meet someone, and was already late, but she took the time to go see what was going on. She walked over and tried to console Azariah as he is screaming about being stupid and killing or hurting Tabby, she tried to tell him it was ok, but then Tabby turned and Megan saw the blood. So here is Megan dressed up and ready to go out, and she has this little bloody girl. Megan then carefully picks up Tabby to bring her in, but Tabby is all bloody and so Megan has to hold her carefully so as not to be covered in blood herself. Aunt Megan picks Tabby up so that she is holding her like she is sitting in a chair. Tabby starts to reach around to hold onto Aunt Megan's clothes (think blood on the hand) and Aunt Megan says "Here, hold my hand Tabby." Tabby complies with no problems. She then carries her carefully inside our house. Now Talitha our 4 year old, our empathetic little child, is trying to help. Megan is trying to see if Tabby has a concussion or not so she asks her what her name is, "What is your name?" she asks Tabby. However Tally answers for Tabby of course, "Tabby!" Megan says "Tally be quiet", and asks Tabby again "What is your name?" Tally then whispers, "Tabby". At this point, Megan gives up on getting Tally to not answer and Tabby to answer. Tally isn't very good at not talking. Thank you Aunt Megan for your help.)
I take Tabby and set her down in the sink and start to see just how much of a head wound she has. First I take off her shirt and start to run it under cold water to try to get the blood out and Megan reminds me that hydrogen peroxide is good for that. (Thanks for that Megan, I had forgotten that) Tabby is perfectly quiet and calm as I examine her. She had a deep split on her head, about ½ inch long, a pretty good cut. A fair amount of blood, but not profusely bleeding. Some pain but not so much that I can’t look at it and clean it. Megan asks if we have any paper towels. Talitha, the ever helpful child says "I'll go get one." She runs out to the barn, gets a paper towel and runs it back in to me. Megan saw that it was one little paper towel, this was rather comical as it was so small. As Megan was bringing Tabby in, Azariah finally gets up and I see he is swinging something around which I think is a chain dog leash. I am already guessing he was swinging that and whacked his little sis in the head. He runs off and doesn’t come in yet. Tally is in helping me with Tabby. After she went out to the milk room and got me a paper towel she then tries to be very helpful by suggesting a shower and special soap. I go out to the barn to get some bactine, and I tell Azariah and Zeb to come inside which they do. Megan has left by this time.
Well some people thrive on stress, not me I have a very low stress tolerance level. When stuff goes wrong, I feel like the world is ending, so this evening I am tired and stressed but yet thankful for the Lords grace, and writing about my wife's different ways of doing things helps me to be less frustrated and puts them in perspective.
Tirzah did very well with breakfast and lunch and supper. All the children had a good day. They were excited to have Paige, Parker and Sterling over. Thank you Lord for your help this day. And thank you Gramgee for your help with showers and baths for the children. Sorry Parker that you hurt your ankle on the trampoline, i hope that it heals well.
Ah here we go, Daddy trying to get 25 goats fed, chickens fed and watered, horses fed, dogs fed, and 14 goats milked and the milk saved and the milking pails cleaned. Of course I oversleep. What are the chances of getting us all to church on time? So thankfully WW has taught Tirzah how to cook some basic stuff. Tirzah does a great job this morning of cooking the muffins and helping with some basic things. But when I come in my children have already begun to allow the stuff to start to take over, clothes, toys, just clutter stuff is creeping everywhere, and not only clutter, but my flyswatters have been swallowed up in the devouring stuff somewhere, and I have what is probably an unreasonable hatred and need to kill flies, So Daddy suggests that if the children want to eat, than the house must be picked up, and my flyswatters must be found. Always seems like a simple basic thing to me, but what to Daddy is obvious clutter and mess, to children seems invisible. So after a few parental frustrated explanations of what has to happen, and tears, Azariah is finally able to figure out he needs to keep cleaning until Daddy says it is clean, and they have found one of my 2 swatters. Unfortunately Daddy is still missing a flyswatter and I am overly frustrated. So when Azariah whines at me asking me if he can eat, because he is on the brink of death I am sure, I refuse until he can ask without whining. Thankfully after a few more tries he regains his composure and is able to ask calmly without whining and have his muffins. Of course he sees that the one flyswatter has been right under my nose the whole time. Yes this Daddy over- reacts and makes mistakes, more often than I care to admit.
So everyone was told Saturday night to make sure that they have their shoes for Sunday. They are told again Sunday morning to make sure they have their shoes. Well 3 out of 5 isn't too bad i guess.
So by the time I finish washing the milk stuff and getting everyone ready, it is 8:55. I still need to take a shower and get myself ready. We managed to leave around 9:18, which is pretty good. We get to the church about 5 minute late or so, and of course Tally and Tabby don't have shoes, not the end of the world, but because I had so carefully told Tally to make sure she had them it was a little frustrating. Still, I don't care a lot if Talitha and Tabby don't have shoes, they take them off usually anyways. Tabby finds some (hideous) flip flops on the floor of the suburban and puts them on. Actually she finds one and doesn't want to get out of the car without the other one. Miracles still happen and I find the other flip flop and we are ready to go....or not, because now Talitha is distressed because these are "her flip flops". I get to explain in no uncertain terms that "no you will not get these flip flops because you did not obey and get your shoes earlier when I told you to." A few corrections and many tears later we are finally on our way into the church. Sunday school was peaceful. I did have a sneaking suspicion that the loud noises and laughter from the 3 yr old- first grade room were from my children. Now the thrill of a wifeless Daddy braving church time with 4 children. What could possibly go wrong? Amazing how the privilege and pleasure of holding two children can turn a peaceful Father into a frustrated Father. I am trying to sing and praise the Lord in song and my two children that I am holding, decide that arm positions around Daddy's neck is a matter of life and death, and worthy of physical violence. There is nothing like having children who are yelling at each other and fighting in church, so I put them both down and then we just had crying and pouting. We are then sitting down and of course it is the law of the pew that the child on my left side must touch and annoy the child on the right side of me until the child on the right yells out. At least he stopped before his life was forfeited. After continuing noises and general child like pew unrest during the rest of the sermon, my oldest daughter needs to use the rest room. No big deal right? When she arrives back at our pew, she has the hiccups. This is not a child who is good at keeping noises quiet, no she just lets it out even magnifies them if possible. After looks and mouthing to her to try and be quiet which resulted in blank stares from her, I am ready for duct tape therapy. I survived, we made it through. I told my children that if they ever acted that way in church again that they would be in big trouble. Well it is good to know that even as frustrated as I was with them they were able to still say they believed I loved them.
Now we have nothing to worry about except lunch with Gramgee and Papa and then going to the Fruta fall festival. Thank you Gramgee and Papa. Of course i won't mention the lost blanket, the door lock that was flipped out of place so that the door wont shut on the Suburban, or the overreacting father who is going crazy. We did finally get us all to the fall festival and enjoy seeing WW again and being together as a family.