Monday, December 19, 2011
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Tags for Soap
It took us about 4 and 1/2 hours. Thank you so much Raluca for coming and helping to improve the image of my new soaps. Tirzah and Azariah also helped by using the Cricut Machine and then punching the holes in the tags. Now to wrap all the soap and attach the tags.
Oh, and if you want to purchase any you can check out my Etsy Store or email me.
Zuri Smilling
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Family Pictures
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Review of the Game "Monopoly Revolution"
My very gracious Grandmother and Aunts purchased the older children some games. They purchase Operations, I SPY Go Fish and Monopoly Revolution. Here I want to talk about Monopoly Revolution. I am very grateful for these games and am thankful that they thought about the children. I do want to make some observations about this "New" Monopoly Game.
The first thing that is obviously different is that the board is round and not square. This is kind of cool and looks modern. The property cards are smaller and the tokens just have pictures on them instead of being in the shape of the objects. The biggest change is there is no physical money. Each player receives a credit card in which their money is kept on (well kind of). The game has a machine in which you stick your card in to add or subtract money from it. You also use the machine to transfer money from one player to the other. All prices are have been adjusted from the 1930's game. The prices are now in thousands or millions instead of tens and hundreds.
Another nice change in the game is that there is no Community Chest and Chance can either happen by landing on the board or randomly when you remove your card from the money machine. So you might purchase some houses and when you pull your card out after paying a Chance can come up applying to you. I do like that feature. The game also allows for you to force a trade with another player. This speeds up the game and makes it possible to get all of one color group when a player isn't willing to trade for anything. Over all some nice improvements have been made. The lack of physical money makes the game easier to deal with because you don't have a bunch of loose bills.
All that to say, my biggest complaint is also the money issue. In order to add or subtract money from your account you enter the amount press if it is K's (thousands) or M's (millions) and the bank machine does the rest. For a game that I think is a good game to teach children about money, how to spend it and how to count it there is very little need for counting your money. You just plug in the amount to subtract or add and the machine does if for you. It does not take a lot of skill to do that. The game still has strategy but it is easy to just spend and not consider how much money you have left because it is in the computer. In my opinion this is a lot like what is said about credit cards "It is easy to spend more when you put it on a card instead of paying cash because it doesn't seem real."
My conclusion is that most of the changes in the game are an improvement to it, adjusting the costs, the way Chance works and being able to force a trade are all good. The biggest drawback to this new monopoly game is the fact that it removes the concept of cash and replaces it with Credit Cards. I want my children to learn to handle money wisely and learn to count it out and count back change, this game does not allow for that now. I believe it is a dumbing down of the game.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Zuri's Full Name
As with all of our names it does mean something. It means "Rock of the Almighty, Defender of People"
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Airsoft BB's and Ears Don't Mix
Later that evening, she fell asleep on the couch and then Gil and I started working to get it out of her ear. We tried sucking it out with a straw. Then Gil used the outside casing of a pen to try to suck it out. We attached a hose to the end of the pen and still we could not suck it out. We did try to glue the ink part of the pen to it that night and it did not work. After many attempts of sucking, we decided that we sucked at sucking and we gave up for that night.
Yesterday, Monday, I looked and it was still in her ear canal. But since she wasn't in any pain we did not do anything to try and get it out. Both Gil and I continued to think about ways to suck it out. One of my thoughts was to use my milk machine vacuum to suck it out.
Today, Gil brought the milk machine in and we tried to suck out the BB with it. It did not work. We tried some different modifications for the suction but since we didn't want to hurt her eardrum either we were very careful about the amount of vacuum used and tried it on ourselves before tryng it on her. We really needed a better end attachment to suck to the BB. There may have also been a suction between the BB and her eardrum making it need more suction than we were willing to use. When that didn't work, we decided to try to glue something to it again. This time though, Gil used alcohol to clean and dry the BB before we tried to superglue a stick to it. Talitha also fell asleep on the couch so she was still and wasn't moving around.
A few issues we needed to make sure happened. One, when using super glue, we needed to make sure the glue did not come in contact with her ear canal. We also needed to be able to see what we were doing. Here is what we used.
We used a wooden paint brush with the end of it cut off to glue to the BB. This paintbrush fit perfectly into the pen case so that as we inserted the tip with super glue on it there was no way it would touch anything but the BB. Talitha was a sleep and so she was not squirming which would have made it hard.
Friday, October 21, 2011
The Birth of Zurishaddai Lawton
Zurishaddai was born at 6:04 AM or there abouts on October 21, 2011.
Yesterday I was tired and after morning Bible study I came home, feed the kids and went and took a nap from 2:20 to 4:30 in the afternoon. Thinking I would have this baby late, I was dreading the next two weeks of waiting. My due date was determined to be October 31, 2011. Last night for the first time I was miserable and ready to be done being pregnant. Usually I don't feel like that this early before my due date.
I have been feeling great in this pregnancy with lots of energy since changing our diet the first of September. I have also been doing 20 squats a day. So, for me to take a nap yesterday and feel tired like I did was a little unusually. Two things went through my mind as to why I needed a nap. 1) It was due to the fact that I ate a very expensive and "good for you" dark chocolate bar from the health food store on Wednesday afternoon. This was the first time in six weeks that I had any type of candy. 2) It did go through my mind that maybe my body was trying to get ready to have a baby and I needed a nap because I would be up all night. This thought was fleeting wish.
This morning at 2 AM I woke up and after getting a drink and using the restroom I could not get back to sleep. Then at 2:30 AM I had some twinges of pain. These fit the description of true contractions as they were low on my abdomen. However, having had Braxton-Hicks before I also know that if you change positions and they stop then it isn't true labor. So I started seeing how often they came. About every 10 minutes and they lasted for 15 seconds or so. I still thought they were Braxton-Hicks and would stop so around 3 AM I got up again went to the restroom because a full bladder has made me feel like I was in labor when I wasn't. I also got another drinking knowing that dehydration can also cause false labor pains. There was no bloody show, but there was mucus from the mucus plug at this time.
I went back and laid down again and tossed and turned trying to get comfortable and go back to sleep. I still didn't think I was in true labor. So I continued to see how often the contractions were and they now ranged from 10 to 6 minutes apart and I could not sleep through them only rest between them. At 5 AM I finally gave up trying to sleep and got up. Now I was thinking, I think I am going to have this baby. I estimate that I was 5 cm dilated at this point, but still no bloody show which has always been present with my other five births. The babies head was still floating above my pubic bone too. At 5:30 AM I told Gil he needed to get the birth tub set up and ready, I also called the midwife who lives 1.5 hours away. The midwife said he would be on his way. I then called the lady who is also a midwife who was assisting at the birth at 5:45. She lives less than 10 minutes away and needed to get dressed. She asked how the contractions were and I told her they were heating up...little did I know. I told her it would not be two hours before I had the baby and it would be good if she could be here in 20-30 minutes. I then squatted through a contraction which I think helped get the babies head in position. Gil was still setting up the birth tub. I tried to help but was in to much pain when I stood or moved.
He finally started filling the tub about five minutes before the baby came out so no birth tub for me this time. After having five I was very aware of my body and the fact that the signs were pointing to the fact that my body was going to want to start pushing any minute. At this point I told Gil to get the bags off the top of the dyer which had sterilized towels in them for the birth. He realized that it was time also and the tub was a total none issue. So he abandoned his tub efforts and helped get me the few things I asked for. I got off the couch and went and stood on the linoleum of the kitchen. I put the towel down, squatted and at the next contraction my water broke. I felt for a prolapsed cord (this occurs when the cord comes down the birth canal in front of the babies head. It is then pinched and cuts off the life support to the baby.) I said "There is not prolapsed cord, babies head is crowning..." then with the next contraction I gently pushed the baby's head out into my left hand and the rest of his body came out which I took with my right hand. I was holding him over the clean towel with his face towards the floor and his head slightly below the rest of his body to help any mucus in his airway flow out and not in. I asked Gil to get the bulb syringe from the birth kit and then we suctioned him a little, but he was already crying and looking pink and good. My guess for time of birth is 6:04 AM. The midwives and my husband were harassing me because I didn't look at the clock the moment he was born like I usually do. Gil said that I am always multitasking and I should have been able to do that too. We all had a good laugh about it. So I made the guess of 6:04 because that last time I looked at the clock before I started pushing it was 6:00 AM.
Side Note: (You may ask, "Why the kitchen of all places?" Our house is very small. The kitchen and living room are one room about 16' x 17'. The bathroom is not very large and we only have one. So the kitchen linoleum was only four feet away from the couch I had been sitting on and I didn't want to have the baby on the carpet. So while calculating in my head what needed done in those few minutes before I had him, I decided the kitchen floor would be the best place to be. Since towels were down it really wasn't that bad.)
I then stood up, Gil gave me a dry blanket to wrap Zuri in and I took the phone and called the midwife. I didn't want him to rush to get to the house when there was no need. He asked me if I had delivered the placenta and I said no but would after getting off the phone with him. I hung up with him, squatted once again and the placenta was ready to come out so I gently grabbed it and pulled it out into a bowl Gil put on the floor. We did not worry about the cord because we wait until the cord goes limp and white before we cut it so all the blood and stem cells from the placenta are transferred to the baby as a boost for the start of his life on the outside. It was a picture perfect birth. Aside from the pain, it could not have been better.
I then handed the baby off to Gil so I could take a quick shower to get cleaned up. The assistant showed up while I was showering. She walked in, looked at Gil and the baby and it took her a minute to realize that she had missed the birth. It was only 20 minutes after I called her that I gave birth to Zuri, and I didn't even have time during that 20 minutes to call her and tell her to hurry up, she would have missed it anyway. The only way she could have made it was if she had left the minute I called her and at that time I didn't realize I was as far along as I was.
It was not scary in any way, I have had all my children at home with a midwife and all my births have been wonderful experiences. This was another planned home birth, I just didn't call the midwife in time. All my babies have come easy and without any complications so at the point I realized it would just be Gil and me I started going through what needed to happen. Gil was great and did exactly what I asked. He was calm and a great support.
I have cut the time the midwives have had to arrive at my births with every birth, this obviously was the shortest, though not intentional. It would have been nice to be in the tub because it really does help with the pain of contractions. The only other bummer is that Gil wasn't able to take any pictures of the actual birth since we were both a little busy at the time.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Hershey Bars for Itchy Armpit
Azariah says "Yes, it was melting from being in my armpit and so I had to eat it fast."
Mom "What do you mean it was in your armpit?"
Azariah "My armpit itched so I put it under there because it was cool and I thought it would help it to stop itching, but then it made it melt so I had to eat it fast and then lick off my armpit."
Mom "Did you put it under your armpit with or without the wrapper on?"
Azariah "The wrapper was off."
Mom "Did your armpit stop itching?"
Azariah "Yes."
I was about ready to laugh my head off but with held my laughter. That child of mine does some of the craziest things.